Rs 52 billion were spent by the last gov on South Punjab during five years while V spent Rs 292 billion there. 286 High-Tech IT Labs opened in Govt Schools to give benefit to more than 3.4 Million Students every year. Daanish Schools, Laptops, Ujala Programme, Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF), IT Labs, Internships, Free Medicines, Pakistan's first Metro Bus service, Ashiana Scheme, Flyover, Underpass and other mega projects have been completed. Other countries studying development projects of Punjab gov - laptop scheme adopted & advice for solid waste management sought from India.
In other words, PMLN gov completed development programmes worth Rs 481 billion (mega projects=Rs 196 billion and smaller projects=Rs 285 billion) in the last five years.
#TrueFacts #YaadRakhna
Thank you Khadem e Ala Mian Shahbaz Sharif. I'm proud to be the supporter of PMLN.
Thank you Khadem e Ala Mian Shahbaz Sharif. I'm proud to be the supporter of PMLN.